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  • enlightenedimaging

Where is that money tree?

A little while ago, I mentioned that I knew what I wanted to do with my life and kind of left it hanging in that place. If it was a detriment to your quality of life, I apologize. Since that time, I have been working quietly in the background to make that a reality. Today, I am a step closer. As of today I am proud to announce that I am a Sun Devil. I have been accepted to Arizona State University (online) with a major in Counseling and Applied Psychological Science. My intent long-term is to be a therapist with an emphasis in chronically ill patients. Possibly also qualified to work with adolescents if the coursework doesn’t get too daunting (the one is probably fine because as far as I know there are not classes for working with chronically ill people… but I am one so… )

So the easy part is done and my application is approved. They are still working on reviewing my transcript from the dark ages to see what might and what might not be useable. Hopefully my previous excursion into the crippling debt factory yields some amount of benefit in the way of minimizing what I have to do this time around. Speaking of that previous experience… I can also announce that I have no interest in getting loans to pay for this adventure… so… does anyone out there know where the money tree is growing? Or is there a wealthy benefactor out there to underwrite such an adventure <insane maniacal laughter>? At any rate, I’m off to try to arrange Orientation now. Wish me luck!

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Becky Wilson
Becky Wilson
Feb 26, 2022


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