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Where is that money tree?

A little while ago, I mentioned that I knew what I wanted to do with my life and kind of left it hanging in that place. If it was a...

Break point

I can tell the exact moment on a hot day where the temperature has hit its exact maximum and is going to only get cooler from that point...

Going Back To Normal

I am not writing an advice blog, even though sometimes I feel like I do offer things as advice and feel like it is pretty decent advice…...


People like to feel comfortable. From a young age we are conditioned (either consciously or not) into associating certain tactile...

Today’s Brain Is Sometimes Unkind

The totality of everything can be overwhelming. I wish that I had had my mind in order before receiving a diagnosis that made the...

Sometimes it be like that

Today was one for the mental dragons and demons. It is like that sometimes. We’ll try again tomorrow.

Ask the stupid questions

Today, I asked probably the dumbest question that I can remember having asked. Savitar is undergoing radiation therapy for a nasal tumor...

What fabric is your underwear?

OK quick. What material are your underwear made of? (No fair if you only have one kind.) It’s really an odd thing to think about, and I...

When Life Gives You Lemons

For a long time after it became clear that my body was not going to hold up to my work and that my company had absolutely no interest in...

Work smarter

I didn’t do my typing test this week. It’s fine… I have had to make a short-notice trip to seek important medical care for Savitar. I...

My Initial Symptoms

A challenge in early MS is that a common disease course will include a minor, inconvenient symptom arising, then eventually subsiding and...

Random Acts of Self-Kindness

Lately I have been reflecting a lot. I’m sure a lot of those reflections will make their way to this page eventually, but the topic for...

I'm on a roll

I was thinking yesterday about when I had been walking more. There are these “virtual walks” that you can sign up for online where you...

It's Short Today. Sorry.

Kindness to yourself is a huge factor in any person’s overall happiness in life. It is going to become even more important as time...

Don't Let This Ruin Your Life

I’m constantly torn between “I can’t let this illness ruin my life” and “I have to listen to my body and rest.” 2 years ago today I...

It's Groundhog Day... Again

"The lessons change every day" read the subheading in the piece I was reading. I read the rest of the piece keenly. It was a...

Sensory Overload? Sensory Overload.

Occasionally as I am reading about writings that other people have done about their experiences with MS, I will see something and thing...

Blog: Blog2
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