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  • enlightenedimaging

I'm on a roll

I was thinking yesterday about when I had been walking more. There are these “virtual walks” that you can sign up for online where you walk what you can for a set number of miles (for instance the one I saw would approximate walking the “North Coast 500” around the Isle of Skye in Scotland. 500 miles. The Proclaimers would probably be proud. As of today, that would make on average 1.46 miles per day to finish by the end of this year. So in essence 265 days of 1 mile, 100 days of 2 mile walks… give or take. You sign up and at the very end of it you get a medal that is design-specific to the walk you have done. I looked into these walks at one point but don’t remember how long or what the cost is to sign up… but maybe I’ll look into it. It could be fun.

I apologize for the radio silence over the last couple of days - there have been unrelated complications that required significant focus and attention… but I haven’t forgotten the few of you that are still following along. Thank you for still paying attention, and I’ll do better when everything settles down. At any rate, I am still thinking about the thing up there so… if you want to join in and get a bogus medal that you’ll have to figure out what to do with, let me know! We can hold each other accountable :)

I know I didn’t post on typing test Tuesday…. And that, while not on purpose, was just fine. I quit my typing test because my left hand was essentially worthless. I should have continued anyway to illustrate the point… to myself. But also, maybe I’ll parlay that into something in the near future. At any rate, thanks for checking in, we’re fine (the complications are animal-related) and thanks for the help to those to whom I’ve already reached out. We try again tomorrow.

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