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  • enlightenedimaging

It's Groundhog Day... Again

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

"The lessons change every day" read the subheading in the piece I was reading. I read the rest of the piece keenly. It was a well-written narrative of how MS changes from day to day. It stirred my brain and all the strands in ol Duder’s head started to vibrating. Since the start of this exercise, this is one of my favorite pastimes. Sitting and thinking and figuring if and how some of the things I read apply to my reality so that I share them here keeps the synapses firing (well… as effectively as they can do) as well as helping to tick the seconds by more quickly. It is true, though. The lessons do change, though. Sort of.

The lessons do shift. Necessarily. Because days shift. The needs and tasks presented by this day are necessarily different. But it is a little overly-simple– if optimistic– to view it that way. In fact the lessons do change, dependent upon how you have structured your day and chosen to alot your efforts around your various challenges. Actually, it is kind of like a popular movie from some number of years ago. A movie that I happened to think about earlier and then my Jeff Bezos device randomly suggested a video based on actors talking about the movie. I know they listen… but…. Uhhh…..

In almost every way, this life is like living in Groundhog Day. In one way or another, waking every day is not at all dissimilar from Bill Murray waking every morning to the local yokel morning show and I Got You Babe through those annoying tinny speakers in the B&B clock radio. In every sense, the world is your oyster. You truly can decide to do anything… any way…. devoting any amount of attention or focus to any task. And just like in the movie, it does not matter one little bit what you do. You’ll wake up to the same shitty song on the same shitty radio. If you push Ned Ryerson into traffic, it won’t even matter. You’ll feel bad about it, that is almost 100% certain. And at the end of the day, it won’t even matter if you kiss Andie MacDowell. So you try and try to make better decisions… wiser decisions that will allow you to be more present for yourself and those around you. Maybe it will be a good day and you will get through the tasks you planned out for the day. Maybe you’ll even get some bonus things today because you felt really really good. Maybe you’ll end up in the blanket hoping for tomorrow to be better.

And all of that is fine. Eventually, like Bill Murray’s character, you will get past the petulant stage and try your hardest to develop your plans and bring your efforts to being a better version of yourself. It truly becomes about framing and perspective. Perhaps this “better version of you” is my Andie MacDowell. And maybe, even if I have to wake up with that shitty tune on the shitty speakers every day… maybe I get to kiss Andie MacDowell every day.


So today paced differently than I kind of hoped, and it led itself to being kind of short... so I thought maybe I'll try this: I'm going to type a paragraph and leave everything as it comes from my fingers just so you can see what this typing thing can look like.

The easy way to try to illustrate yte pointy that I am trying to reach would be to try to type a left-hand intensive typing exercise. That wouldf be easy and surely gif give r an idea as to what my fingers try to do (or not do as the case may be). But where is the fun in that. For example, at this point I am typing at a reasonable speed, and my fingers are all doing reasonably well. They have yet to just do a belly flop all over the home row keys as they are wont to do sometimes. Apparently, we're going to behave todfay. I'll do this every now and again just for funsies.

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