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  • enlightenedimaging

What fabric is your underwear?

OK quick. What material are your underwear made of? (No fair if you only have one kind.) It’s really an odd thing to think about, and I certainly didn’t as I was building a drawer that contains old-style cotton, bamboo, and moisture-wicking type material. Thanks to one of my more inconvenient expressions of my MS, I don’t stop thinking about it. Here’s why.

I’ll set the following hypothetical scene: You are miles from home and you are preparing to take your cat in for a treatment (which is why you are here and not at home in the first place). You have awakened, cleaned your room because it is trash day and gone down to have your customary 2 cups of coffee… like you do every day with no challenges, even when the roads were covered and icy. (maybe you have a bit of a nervous bladder these days) You go to pack up the cat and feel like You could pee, so you go and sit down (it’s a long story… it’s frequently just easier that way, give it some time, and… nothin. So you stand up to continue on. You instantly feel like you will pee your pants if you don’t do it before you go. So you sit back down. Still nothing. You give up again and go pick up the cat, heading to the vehicle. As you get close, you again feel almost desperate. This happened the other day, too, though… so it probably will calm itself down on the way like it did then. You’re driving the 20 minutes or so to get to the hospital, and you feel fine. Ok, perhaps it is not “normal” but possibly “predictable”. You are getting closer to your destination, and your bladder knows it to, ramping up its insistence that you haven’t peed for years and wtf dude why do you hate your organs? You park, rush to get the cat and strap his backpack on, call your bladder on the yellow phone and tell it to be cool, and start your closest approximation of a sprint to hit the bathroom before it is too late. In a public place.

Why is it different today? So many things were the same as other days. It is the fabric of the underwear. You packed one pair of the bamboo underwear because they are soft and comfortable. They qualify as breathable too, though. You never have issue with the non-breathable cotton type. Anything breathable, though, is an invitation to play Bladder Roulette. The morals of the story are thus:

  1. Never become chronically ill.

  2. Always know what fabric your underwear is made of.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

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