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  • enlightenedimaging

Speaking of WPM

It has seemed like the last couple of posts have been kind of complaint oriented and well... while that may track with the early days of being told you are ill, it's not much fun to dedicate your spare time to. One of the posts was pre-written and I needed to use it. That's a true story and the version I'm sticking to.

So I mentioned the other day about my typing WPM and where it was back in the day. I used to practice typing because it was fun and I'm good at it, which made it more fun. Since my left-hand neuropathy set in though, I haven't taken a single test... I knew it wasn't right. My fingers no longer have the measure of my keyboard - that is to say that they no longer just float to the right space (either left to right, top to bottom, *or* relative to achieving a keystroke) which turns the typing process into a fairly labored endeavor. My poor Business Ed teacher would stroke out as I frankly *have* to look at my keyboard sometimes to figure out what the hell my left hand is doing. As a lawful-good character with a mischievous streak, this causes me an unpleasant amount of stress.

But I did a couple of 1:00 timed tests regardless for the purposes of our little infotainment here. What can I say - I'm a giver. If there are any veteran typing testers out there, you know that part of successfully navigating a typing test is your ability to read ahead a little and follow with your fingers. The first test was a very scientific discussion of Vitamin C. While I know what the words meant, you won't catch me using them in daily conversation (I know, right?). So the results were particularly bad. (37 wpm/93% accuracy).

I did a second - a compelling discussion about crayons. I like crayons, but I am not by any means prepared to discuss the finer points of their creation. Given that, and the fact that the numbers were much more to my liking, I accept the results of the second test. I allowed myself the vanity of correcting mistakes (I'm noticing that repeating letters in my left hand is kind of a challenge) and so it was probably a much more "typical" typing experience. Which brings us to "Where We Are At". Following the second test, I accept that I am currently a 43-wpm typist at 97% accuracy (I let an error or two go because I wanted more worrrrrds). It is nowhere near what I used to be. I don't like that. I don't need the quantifiable reminder. But it is a baseline. I think I'll practice some. Maybe I can drag my neuropathic ass back up around 100 wpm.

New blog feature unlocked! Monday Morning Typing Test Check in. I'll do a test every Monday AM just to see if I can get better, or whether holes in one's brain are just holes in one's brain.

In the mean time, be safe out there. Protect yourself and your loved ones. <additional exhortations redacted>

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